Traveler's Prayer Card
ANNUAL ROSH HASHANA PROMO! 15% OFF Shabbat Away Travel Set™ range including NEW Shabbat Away Travel Tin™ and Shabbat Away Travel Essentials™ New Edition (T&Cs apply - use code RH5785 at checkout / expires 16th October 2024) PAYMENT OPTIONS VIA PALPAL EXPRESS CHECKOUT INCLUDES PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD
An elegant 5-piece Havdalah Set for use during the Havdalah ceremony including a B'Samim Holder; a Havdalah Prayer Card (in Hebrew and English); a box of matches and 2 x beeswax Havdalah candles, hand-crafted from the city of Safed in the Galilee.
Havdalah is a ceremony that marks the symbolic end of Shabbat on a Saturday night after the appearance of three stars in the sky. The name Havdalah comes from the Hebrew word l'havdil which means to distinguish or separate. Havdalah is a ceremony that distinguishes between the holy Shabbat and the secular work week.
The Havdalah candle is customarily braided since the braiding symbolizes the unity found at the end of Shabbat and it has at least two wicks since the blessing refers to lights of the fire in the plural.